How To Get Connected
2) Follow the onscreen prompts to install and run the program
3) Once you have joined click the green button as shown here:
4) Click "Leave Meeting" to exit the test meeting room
Now you're computer is all set up and ready to go!
2) Click Here to launch the test meeting
3) Follow the on screen prompts to open with Zoom
4) Enter your name and select “Continue”
5) Click "Allow" to use microphone and camera
6) Choose “Call Using Internet Audio”
Now you're device is all set up and ready to go!
Join By Computer
2) Click the meeting link that is provided in the email
3) Follow the onscreen prompts to join the meeting
4) Once you have joined the meeting click the green button that says “Join Audio by Computer”
Join By Smartphone / Tablet
2) Click the meeting link that is provided in the email
3) Follow the onscreen prompts to join the meeting
4) Click “ALLOW” to use microphone and camera
5) Once you have joined the meeting choose “Call Using Internet Audio”